
The Rolling Stones-Paint In Black

They who made this strain and tragic but brave feeling with 20s are not stories compared with the Beatles. They band compared to a negative and positive will not think so each other and recognizes it.
kublick used it in a war movie and the image that was able to pick quarrel with a significant title of a musical composition of the person himself and racial relations and the black history was strong and I was right and felt the shiver. I was decadent, and Mick Jagger who sang longed at one time when our several times was calculating recklessness.

It was December in the present days. Would know the calendar; added to cold suddenly. When it was led, I might say too much, but today's cold that linked to an atmosphere of the music dragged this. I think that I listen every year. It was a thing of 12 years old that father taught to have listened. I listen for a different sense in those days. Is known.
A head is clear when I listen to this music to a chill. Though I do not understand it, only an atmosphere is enough for the text. The immaterial culture to supplement for imagination is splendid, and "which is not right". Oneself understands it and should like it.
Therefore I am impressed if I watch a black "night sky in the winter to be deepened most in" one year and listen to music. The title may be the inconsiderableness which sang such a season. I know that it is different, and it is all already right. And, as for the head, in the clearness, the deep, gloomy night sky, it is to a mirror to project nothing on clearly if I do this music and cigarette and coffee which were able to be ready in iphone while walking the year-end downtown.I reflect oneself there, and I will understand oneself present next year slowly to walk while stepping on snow, and a thought becomes fun. I am cynical. Of course paint it black; therefore.
A masterpiece.

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